A men's group is being offered for men who are tired of being held captive by lust and pornography. Liberating Captives is a men's group designed to help you find freedom from unwanted sexual behaviors by using the resource Unwanted by Jay Stringer.

Joining such a group can be scary and terrifying to share openly with others about such a shameful and guilt inducing issue. The purpose of a group is so that you can learn that you are not alone in your struggle.

Additional details about the group:

  • This will be a 12-week group running weekly from September 12th - December 5th.

  • The group will meet on Thursday mornings from 7-8:30am at Cherry Avenue Christian Church.

  • Group will be no larger than 8 men and no smaller than 5. This is to ensure the optimal size of a group for individual growth.

  • A special promotional rate is available till the end of August. The normal cost of the group is $780 for 12-weeks (i.e., $65 a week). However, if you sign up for the group before the end of August then a reduced rate is being offered at $50 a week, $600 total.

    • Payment options are available ranging from weekly payments of $50 to paying for the entire group or partial payment with an adjusted weekly payment.

Check out this intro video to the Unwanted resource.

If you are interested in learning more about the group or you want to signing up then contact us using the button below.